Simple 9Points Spline Curve transformation (X at every 1/8)
Map input according to a 9Points Spline Curve. The points X are fixed: 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1. For each of them set the corrisponding output (Y).
0/8 (000) - From 0 to 1000
1/8 (125) - From 0 to 1000
2/8 (250) - From 0 to 1000
3/8 (375) - From 0 to 1000
4/8 (500) - From 0 to 1000
5/8 (625) - From 0 to 1000
6/8 (750) - From 0 to 1000
7/8 (875) - From 0 to 1000
8/8 (1000) - From 0 to 1000
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